CS599W System for ML

Spring 2018

Simpler version of CS 294 @ Berkeley. (quarter vs. semester)

System aspect of deep learning: faster training, efficient serving, lower memory consumption.

CSE 599W - Systems for ML - 辛酸阅读记录

Intro to DL

Convolution = Spatial Locality + Sharing

Evolution of CNN

  • LeNet (LeCun, 1998) - Basic structures: convolution, max-pooling, softmax

  • Alexnet (Krizhevsky et.al 2012) - ReLU, Dropout

  • GoogLeNet (Szegedy et.al. 2014) - Multi-independent pass way (Sparse weight matrix)

  • Inception BN (Ioffe et.al 2015) - Batch normalization

  • Residual net (He et.al 2015) - Residual pass way

Overview of DL System

User API

Logistic regression in Numpy

  • Computation in Tensor Algebra softmax(np.dot(batch_xs, W))

  • Manually calculate the gradient y_grad = y - batch_ys, W_grad= np.dot(batch_xs.T, y_grad)

  • SGD Update Rule W = W - learning_rate *W_grad

Logistic regression in Tinyflow

  • Loss function declaration

  • Automatic differentiation

  • Real execution sess.run

Imperative vs symbolic (declarative)

  • Imperative-style programs perform computation as you run them - numpy

  • Symbolic: define the function first, then compile them - Tinyflow

The declarative language - computation graph

  • Nodes = operation, edge = dependency between ops

  • Execution only touches needed subgraph

System Components

Computation graph optimization

  • E.g. deadcode elimination

  • Memory planning and optimization

Parallel scheduling

  • Code need to run parallel on multiple devices and worker threads

  • Detect and schedule parallelizable patterns

Supporting more hardware backends

Backpropagation and Automatic Differentiation

Symbolic differentiation

  • Input formula is a symbolic expression tree (computation graph)

  • Implement differentiation rules, e.g. sum rule, product rule, chain rule

  • Cons

    • For complicated functions, the resultant expression can be exponentially large.

    • Wasteful to keep around intermediate symbolic expressions if we only need a numeric value of the gradient in the end

    • Prone to error

Numerical differentiation

Automatic differentiation (autodiff)

AutoDiff algorithm

def gradient(out):
    node_to_grad[out] = 1
    nodes = get_node_list(out)
    for node in reverse_topo_order(nodes):
        grad <- sumpartial adjoints from output edges
        input_grads <- node.op.gradient(input, grad) for input in node.inputs
        add input_gradsto node_to_grad
    return node_to_grad


  • Numerical differentiation

    • Tool to check the correctness of implementation

  • Backpropagation

    • Easy to understand and implement

    • Bad for memory use and schedule optimization

  • Automatic differentiation

    • Generate gradient computation to entire computation graph

    • sBetter for system optimization

Hardware Backends: GPU

GPU arch

Streaming multiprocessors (SM)

GPU arch

Memory hierarchy

  • GPU has more registers than L1 cache

  • L1 cache controlled by programmer

GPU memory latency

Nvidia GPU comparison


Programming model - SIMT

  • Single instruction, multiple threads

  • Programmer writes codes for a single thread in simple C program - All threads execute the same code, but can take different paths

  • Threads are grouped into a block - threads within the same block can synchronize execution

  • Blocks are grouped into a grid - blocks are independently scheduled on the GPU, can be executed a=in any order

  • A kernel is executed as a grid of blocks of threads.

  • One thread -> thread block -> grid = kernel

Kernel execution

  • Each block is executed by one SM and does not migrate

  • Several concurrent blocks can reside on one SM depending on block's memory requirement and the SM's memory resources

  • A warp consists of 32 threads - basic schedule unit in kernel execution

  • A thread block consists of 32-thread warps

  • Each cycle, a warp scheduler selects one ready warp and dispatch the warp to CUDA cores to execute?

Thread hierarchy & memory hierarchy

Global index = BlockDim * BlockIDx + ThreadIdx

Efficient GPU kernels

GEMM, reduction sum

Tips for high performance

  • Use existing libraries, which are highly optimized, e.g. cublas, cudnn

  • Use nvprof or nvvp (visual profiler) to debug the performance

  • Use high level language to write GPU kernels.

Optimize for Hardware Backends

Gap between computation graph and hardware

GEMM example - memory reuse

  • Generalize to GPU - reuse among threads

Optimizations = too many variant of operators

  • Different tiling patterns, fuse patterns, data layout, hardware backends

Explore code generation approach

  • Intermediate representation (between computation graph and code) - also called domain specific language


Automatic code generation TVM stack

Computation graph as IR

  • Represent high-level DL computations

  • Effective equivalent transformations to optimize the graph

  • Approach taken by TensorFlow XLA, Intel NGraph, Nvidia TensorRT

XLA - TensorFlow compiler

  • Constant shape dimension, data layout is specific

  • Ops are low-level tensor primitives - map, reduce, broadcast, convolution, reduce window

TensorRT - Rule based fusion

  • Simple graph-based element wise kernel generator

Computation graph optimizations

  • Need to build and optimize operators for each hardware, variant of layout, precision, threading pattern

  • Tensor expression language

  • Emerging tools using tensor expression language

    • Halide - image processing language

    • Loopy - python based kernel generator

    • TACO - sparse tensor code generator

    • Tensor comprehension

Schedule - Tensor expression to code

  • Key idea introduced by Halide - separation of compute and schedule

  • Key challenge - good space of schedule

    • Should contain any knobs that produce a logically equivalent program that runs well on backend models

    • Must contain common manual optimizations patterns

    • Need to actively evolve to incorporate new techniques

TVM schedule primitives

  • Primitives in prior works Halide, Loopy - loop transformations, thread bindings, cache locality

  • New primitives for GPU accelerations - thread cooperation, tensorization, latency hiding, ... (still evolving)

Global view of TVM stack

  • High level compilation frontend - on languages and platforms you choose

A lot of open problems

  • Optimize for NLP models like RNN, attention

  • High dimensional convolutions

  • Low bit and mix precision kernels

  • More primitive support for accelerators

Hardware Specialization in DL

What make TPUs efficient? (- Shows 30-80x improved TOPS/Watt over K80)

  • Integer inference (saves 6-30x energy over 16bit FP)

  • Large amount of MACs (25x over K80)

  • Large amount of on-chip memory (3.5x over K80)

HW/SW co-design

  • Tensorization

  • Memory architecting

  • Data type - Reducing type width can result in a quadratic increase of compute resources, and linear increase of storage/bandwidthBut it also affects classification accuracy


  • Goal: Provide the right tradeoff between expressiveness and code compactness

    • Use CISC-ness to describe high-level operation (LD, ST, GEMM, ALU)

    • Use RISC-ness to describe low-level memory access patterns

  • Micro-op kernels are stored in a local micro op cache to implement different operators

Latency hiding - work partitioning and explicit dependence graph execution (EDGE) unlocks pipeline parallelism to hide the latency of memory accesses

Optimization stack for DL accelerators

Memory Optimization

State-of-art models can be resource bound - The maximum size of the model we can try is bounded by total RAM available of a Titan X card (12G)

Build an executor for a given computation graph

  1. Allocate temp memory for intermediate computation

  2. Traverse and execute the graph by topological order - temporary space linear to # of ops

Dynamic memory allocation

  1. Allocate when needed

  2. Recycle when a memory is not needed - memory pool

  3. Useful for both declarative and imperative executions

Static memory planing

  1. Plan for reuse ahead of time

  2. Analog - register allocation algorithm in compiler

Common pattern of memory planning

  • Inplace store the result in the input (inplace)

    • Optimizations - Store the result in the input; Works if we only care about the final result

    • Pitfalls - we can only do inplace if result op is the only consumer of the current value

  • Normal memory sharing - reuse memory that is no longer needed (co-share)

Concurrency (heuristics) vs memory optimizations

Sub-linear memory complexity (> sharing > inplace?)

  • If we check point every K steps on a N layer network

  • Memory cost = cost per segment + cost to store results = O(K) + O(N/K) 分块

  • We can get sqrt(N) memory cost plan with one additional forward pass (25% overhead)


  • Computation graph is a useful tool for tracking dependencies

  • Memory allocation affects concurrency

  • We can trade computation for memory to get sub-linear memory plan

Parallel Scheduling

Model parallel training

  • Map parts of workload to different devices

  • Require special dependency patterns (wave style, e.g. LSTM)

Data parallelism

  • Train replicated version of model in each machine

  • Synchronize the gradient

Parallel program is hard to write. We need an automatic scheduler.

Goal of scheduler interface

  • Schedule any resources - data flow, memory recycle, random number generator, network communication

  • Schedule any operation

DAG based scheduler

  • Explicit push ops and their dependencies

  • Can reuse computation graph structure

  • Useful when all results are immutable

  • Used in typical frameworks (e.g. Tensorflow)

Mutation aware scheduler

  • Can solve these problems much easier than DAG based scheduler

  • Tag each resource -> pack refs to related things into execution function via closure -> push ops

Queue based Implementation of scheduler

Take aways

  • Automatic scheduling makes parallelization easier

  • Mutation aware interface to handle resource contention

  • Queue based scheduling algorithm

Distributed Training & Communication Protocols

How to do synchronization over network?

Allreduce - collective reduction

  • Reduction on common connection topo - all-to-all, ring, tree-shape

  • Libs, GPUDirect and RDMA

  • Schedule Allreduce asynchronously

Parameter server

Model Serving

Model serving constraints

  • Latency

    • Batch size cannot be as large as possible when executing in the cloud

    • Can only run lightweight model in the device

  • Resource

    • Battery/memory limit for the device

    • Cost limit for using cloud

  • Accuracy

    • Some loss is acceptable by using approximate models

    • Multi-level QoS

Model compression - Tensor(matrix) decomposition, network pruning, quantization, smaller model (knowledge distillation)

Network pruning - deep compression, prune the connections, weight sharing

Knowledge distillation: use a teacher model (large model) to train a student model (small model)

Serving system

  • Goals

    • High flexibility for writing applications

    • High efficiency on GPUs

    • Satisfy latency SLA

  • Challenges

    • Provide common abstraction for different frameworks

    • Achieve high efficiency

      • Sub-second latency SLA that limits the batch size

      • Model optimization and multi-tenancy causes long tail

Nexus: efficient neural network serving system

  • Frontend runtime library allows arbitrary app logic

  • Packing models to achieve higher utilization

  • A GPU scheduler allows new batching primitives

  • A batch-aware global scheduler allocates GPU cycles for each mode

High efficiency

  • High request rate, high latency SLA workload - saturate GPU efficiency by using large batch size

  • High request rate, low latency SLA workload - Suppose we can choose a different batch size for each op (layer), and allocate dedicated GPUs for each op. (split batching)

  • Low request rate, high latency SLA workload

    • This type of workload cannot saturate GPU in temporal domain

    • Execute multiple models on one GPU; use larger batch size as latency is reduced and predictive

  • Low request rate, low latency SLA workload

    • If saturate GPU in temporal domain due to low latency: allocate dedicated GPU(s)

    • If not: can use multi-batching to share GPU cycles with other models

How PyTorch Optimized DL Computations

Compute with PyTorch

Performance Improvements

Last updated